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The Office ‘Non-Denominational Holiday Mixer’

Tips for keeping Everyone Safe and Out of Trouble During the Company Holiday Party There is a reason why Saturday Night Live (SNL), The Office, and Office Christmas Party poke fun at office ‘Non-denominational Holiday Mixers.’  Feel free to watch any of these videos at your own risk to see what I mean. It is the corporate world’s attempt[...]
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D&O: Why Underwriters Care about Your Financial Runway?

Jeremy Broomfield - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Why Your Financial ‘Runway’ Is Important…. For startups, an underwriter asking for financial statements can seem invasive when searching for D&O (Directors & Officers) Insurance. So why do they ask? I talked to a few of my favorite underwriters to learn more about why the financial health of any startup is the #1 driver for a carrier to offer D&O terms and how it will affect your premium. Read on to learn why asset size, funding, revenue[...]
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Employment Practices Tips for Tech Startups

The Importance of Employment Practices for Tech Startups… In general, this is one of the heavier topics we will cover, but I felt it was necessary given the recent headlines involving Travis Kalanick of Uber, Dave McClure of 500 Startups and Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The mainstream news outlets are in no shortage of stories highlighting the sexual harassment situation in Silicon Valley. This month’s blog highlights some of the employment related issues in the startup ecosystem and provides helpful[...]
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Is Your Tech Company a Tech Company to an Underwriter?

Is Your Tech Company a Liger or a Tiger? What is a liger? Napoleon from the 2004 movie Napoleon Dynamite says, ‘It’s pretty much my favorite animal. It’s like a lion and a tiger mixed… bred for its skills in magic.’ You will have to read through the end to see how this ties into the conversation…   Most[...]
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 5 Insurance Inflection Points for Startups 

5 Insurance Inflection Points to Discuss with Your Insurance Broker Your goals may include raising a significant amount of money, disrupting your industry, and/or becoming the next unicorn in the industry. If that is the case,  you will have a series of insurance inflection points to discuss with your insurance broker which includes D&O. Board Formation  Forming a company and getting the right team in[...]
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