commercial insurance

Home - Posts tagged: commercial insurance

Insurance and PEOs: Playing Nice together

What Startups Need to Know When It Comes to PEOs In this months blog, the PEO (Professional Employer Organization) model is explained as well as why startups like the PEO model. From an insurance perspective, what implications does working with a PEO have on your commercial program? Find out how insurance agents and PEOs can[...]
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Common Insurance Requirements in A Commercial Lease (And What You Can Negotiate)

What You Need to Know About Commercial Leases: Common Insurance Requirements Funding typically triggers another insurance inflection point in the startup journey: signing a commercial lease. A common insurance request from startups is to make sure current insurance coverage will meet the landlord’s requirements in a lease. This month’s blog shares common insurance requests by landlords[...]
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Employment Practices Tips for Tech Startups

The Importance of Employment Practices for Tech Startups… In general, this is one of the heavier topics we will cover, but I felt it was necessary given the recent headlines involving Travis Kalanick of Uber, Dave McClure of 500 Startups and Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The mainstream news outlets are in no shortage of stories highlighting the sexual harassment situation in Silicon Valley. This month’s blog highlights some of the employment related issues in the startup ecosystem and provides helpful[...]
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