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Wholesale Relationships

This is something often transparent to an insured, but just remember there is always someone in the background trying to help your company. This blog is to let you know why strong wholesale broker relationships are important to an agency. A good wholesale relationship can greatly benefit an insured in several key ways: A recent[...]
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Common Insurance Requirements in A Commercial Lease (And What You Can Negotiate)

What You Need to Know About Commercial Leases: Common Insurance Requirements Funding typically triggers another insurance inflection point in the startup journey: signing a commercial lease. A common insurance request from startups is to make sure current insurance coverage will meet the landlord’s requirements in a lease. This month’s blog shares common insurance requests by landlords[...]
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Electric Scooters: Liability Concerns for Startup Owners and Their Employees

With Electric Scooters Taking Over Urban Cities, It’s Important for Startup Owners to Understand Their Risks When Employees Use Them As Transportation…   Scooters are everywhere in urban areas all across the nation, and it does not look like they are going anywhere in Austin anytime soon. This month we discuss personal and business liability[...]
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Is Your Startup As Secure As You Think It Is?

What You Need to Know about Cybersecurity Cyber Awareness Month  For the record, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) was not created in resistance to Skynet, the ‘Synthetic Intelligent Machine Network’ despite the title of this blog. The National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched the initiative in October of 2004 in an effort to help Americans be[...]
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