Seed Round

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How to Choose Wisely When It Comes to Accelerators and VCs

How to Choose the Best VC or Accelerator for Your Startup… Raising funds seems like the Holy Grail of the startup community. Spend time around an accelerator or co-working space in ATX, and you will overhear someone talking about raising money. For many first-time founders, this will be one of the biggest frustrations since most VCs typically don’t[...]
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D&O: Why Underwriters Care about Your Financial Runway?

Jeremy Broomfield - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Why Your Financial ‘Runway’ Is Important…. For startups, an underwriter asking for financial statements can seem invasive when searching for D&O (Directors & Officers) Insurance. So why do they ask? I talked to a few of my favorite underwriters to learn more about why the financial health of any startup is the #1 driver for a carrier to offer D&O terms and how it will affect your premium. Read on to learn why asset size, funding, revenue[...]
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 5 Insurance Inflection Points for Startups 

5 Insurance Inflection Points to Discuss with Your Insurance Broker Your goals may include raising a significant amount of money, disrupting your industry, and/or becoming the next unicorn in the industry. If that is the case,  you will have a series of insurance inflection points to discuss with your insurance broker which includes D&O. Board Formation  Forming a company and getting the right team in[...]
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Do You Really Want Just The ‘Bare Minimum’ Coverage for Your Startup?

‘Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay.’ – Stan, Chotchkie’s Manager from Office Space   I love the 1999 movie, Office Space, so I hope you can appreciate the simplicity of Stan’s message. The pressure of entrepreneurs to build a world class team, execute on a strategy and fund-raise are huge! Why on earth should you be concerned with cyber liability[...]
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Do I Need D&O Before or After I Raise Money for My Tech Startup?

Start-up founders are generally calculated risk takers. So, why would a founder purchase D&O insurance before funding vs after?  There is no right or wrong answer but two common scenarios are outlined below. A First-Time Founder Once Asked: What Is D&O? The quick and dirty answer to this question is it protects your startup’s leadership[...]
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