Fund Raising

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Do You Really Want Just The ‘Bare Minimum’ Coverage for Your Startup?

‘Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay.’ – Stan, Chotchkie’s Manager from Office Space   I love the 1999 movie, Office Space, so I hope you can appreciate the simplicity of Stan’s message. The pressure of entrepreneurs to build a world class team, execute on a strategy and fund-raise are huge! Why on earth should you be concerned with cyber liability[...]
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Do I Need D&O Before or After I Raise Money for My Tech Startup?

Start-up founders are generally calculated risk takers. So, why would a founder purchase D&O insurance before funding vs after?  There is no right or wrong answer but two common scenarios are outlined below. A First-Time Founder Once Asked: What Is D&O? The quick and dirty answer to this question is it protects your startup’s leadership[...]
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