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Insurance Policies Your VCs Want Post Funding

The primary reason we receive inquiries about insurance is a funding event. Many founders typically don’t think too much about Directors & Officers (D&O) and Key Person Life Insurance until they get a term sheet. In this month’s blog, we share some insight on which insurance policies VCs require and why.  What/Why Do They Want[...]
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D&O Tail Coverage – Tips for the Acquisition

The prior Lumen blog, What Happens to Your Insurance Program If You Don’t IPO, states the most likely outcome for startups is an acquisition. As covered by Austin Inno, Silicon Hills News and the ABJ…acquisitions are taking place weekly in the ATX. So what do startups need to know about D&O coverage prior to an[...]
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Insurance and PEOs: Playing Nice together

What Startups Need to Know When It Comes to PEOs In this months blog, the PEO (Professional Employer Organization) model is explained as well as why startups like the PEO model. From an insurance perspective, what implications does working with a PEO have on your commercial program? Find out how insurance agents and PEOs can[...]
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